List of the best Chinese newspapers, the best by number of visits, by popular vote or by world ranking in
10 The newspapers most visited in China are:
The most visited and read newspaper in é 'Xihua' (Beijing), the newspaper 'Pueblo en Línea' (Beijing) is located in second place, third is 'China Daily' (Beijing), fourthly the newspaper 'Shanghai Daily' located in Shanghai, 'Wen Hui Bao' (Shanghai) fifth, we continue with 'Renmin Ribao' (Beijing)sixth, seventh is 'Jiefang Ribao' (Shanghai), eighth is 'Jiefangjun Bao' (Beijing), in the ninth the newspaper 'Cankao Xiaoxi' (Beijing) and the tenth is the 'Chutian Dushi Bao' (Wuhan).